Archive data operations

Learn how to archive data operations in Tailer Studio.

🗄️ What happens when you archive a data operation

Once a data operation has been archived, it disappears completely from Tailer Studio with all its versions. Only super-administrators can still see them, and disarchive them if necessary.

🔢 How to proceed

To archive a data operation:

  1. Log in to Tailer Studio.

  2. If necessary, select an account in the drop-down menu at the top of the screen.

  3. In the left navigation panel, in the Data workflows section, select the type of your data operation, (for example, Storage to Storage).

  4. In the right panel, access the Configurations tab for data operations or the Runs tab for executions.

  5. Click the Configuration id link corresponding to the data operation or execution of your choice.

  6. Click Archive.

Last updated