API features

This page describes the different actions that can be performed with the Tailer API.

For the table-to-table configurations, don't forget to add at the end of the configuration_id the environnement (DEV, PROD, etc.) before querying it throw the APIs. __Example : the table-to-table configuration_id "000099_iowa_liquor_prepare_pda" in your json file in DEV environnement is referenced as the "000099_iowa_liquor_prepare_pda_DEV" in the payload below.

🔑 Get a JWT token

You will need to provide a JWT token for your API call. You can use different methods to get a JWT token based on your credentials.

You can use thetailer auth get-token function to get a few tokens, including a JWT token associated with the credentials you use with your tailer-sdk. You can get this token only using TAILER_API_JWT=tailer auth get-token | sed '7q;d' | sed 's/User token : //g'

🚀 Launching a job's execution

Tables to Tables or Tables to Storage data operations can be launched through the Tailer API.

You need to provide the full identity of the job as input (the execution_date parameter is optional):

TAILER_API_JWT=`tailer auth get-token | awk '/User token :/ {print $4}'` \
&& curl --request POST \
--http2 \
--header "content-type:application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${TAILER_API_JWT}" \
--data '{ "action": "launch_job",
          "account": "000099",
          "environment": "DEV",
          "configuration_type": "table-to-table",
          "configuration_id": "000099_iowa_liquor_prepare_pda_DEV"}' \

As a result, the job is launched and you get a unique run ID in the following format:


🏃‍♂ī¸ Checking a run's status

Once you have a run ID, you can check its current status to see how the processing is going.

You need to provide the full identity of the job and the run ID as input:

TAILER_API_JWT=`tailer auth get-token | awk '/User token :/ {print $4}'` \
&& curl --request POST \
--http2 \
--header "content-type:application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${TAILER_API_JWT}" \
--data '{"action": "check_run_status",
         "account": "000099",
         "environment": "DEV",
         "configuration_type": "table-to-table",
         "configuration_id": "000099_iowa_liquor_prepare_pda_DEV",
         "job_id": "gbq-to-gbq|000099_iowa_liquor_prepare_pda_DEV",
         "run_id": "20201230-112837-0a795c70-2557-4a60-ba16-788aa2bea179"}' \

As a result, you get a json payload with information about the run in the following format:

	"results": [
			"account": "000099",
			"configuration_id": "000099_iowa_liquor_prepare_pda_DEV",
			"configuration_type": "table-to-table",
			"duration": "0:01:24.002519",
			"environment": "DEV",
			"job_id": "gbq-to-gbq|000099_iowa_liquor_prepare_pda_DEV",
			"last_update_date": "2020-12-30T11:30:07.960767+00:00",
			"run_id": "20201230-112837-0a795c70-2557-4a60-ba16-788aa2bea179",
			"start_execution_date": "2020-12-30T11:28:43.861340+00:00",
			"status": "SUCCESS"

⌛ Getting the last status of a job/data operation

You can check the current status for the latest run of a job/data operation.

You need to provide the full identity of the job/data operation as input. If needed, you can specify some parameters for the job/data operation in order to target a specific one:

Example with a job

TAILER_API_JWT=`tailer auth get-token | awk '/User token :/ {print $4}'` \
&& curl --request POST \
--http2 \
--header "content-type:application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${TAILER_API_JWT}" \
--data '{ "action": "get_last_status",
          "account": "000099",
          "environment": "DEV",
          "configuration_type": "table-to-table",
          "configuration_id": "000099_iowa_liquor_prepare_pda_DEV"}' \

As a result, you get a json payload with information about the last runs of this job in the following format:

	"results": [
			"account": "000099",
			"configuration_id": "000099_iowa_liquor_prepare_pda_DEV",
			"configuration_type": "gbq-to-gbq",
			"duration": "0:01:24.002519",
			"environment": "DEV",
			"job_id": "gbq-to-gbq|000099_iowa_liquor_prepare_pda_DEV",
			"last_update_date": "2020-12-30T11:30:07.960767+00:00",
			"run_id": "20201230-112837-0a795c70-2557-4a60-ba16-788aa2bea179",
			"start_execution_date": "2020-12-30T11:28:43.861340+00:00",
			"status": "SUCCESS"
			"account": "000099",
			"configuration_id": "000099_iowa_liquor_prepare_pda_DEV",
			"configuration_type": "gbq-to-gbq",
			"duration": "0:01:35.345232",
			"environment": "DEV",
			"job_id": "gbq-to-gbq|000099_iowa_liquor_prepare_pda_DEV",
			"last_update_date": "2020-12-30T11:10:49.097747+00:00",
			"run_id": "20201230-110907-47b31b2d-a54a-4a95-a3a6-b4fbc2168333",
			"start_execution_date": "2020-12-30T11:09:13.665798+00:00",
			"status": "SUCCESS"
			"account": "000099",
			"configuration_id": "000099_iowa_liquor_prepare_pda_DEV",
			"configuration_type": "gbq-to-gbq",
			"duration": "0:01:39.201091",
			"environment": "DEV",
			"job_id": "gbq-to-gbq|000099_iowa_liquor_prepare_pda_DEV",
			"last_update_date": "2020-12-10T14:07:56.739284+00:00",
			"run_id": "20201210-140612-19e547a1-de6a-47f0-b563-b8a3d5754118",
			"start_execution_date": "2020-12-10T14:06:17.415294+00:00",
			"status": "SUCCESS"

Example with a data operation (configuration level)

TAILER_API_JWT=`tailer auth get-token | awk '/User token :/ {print $4}'` \
&& curl --request POST \
--http2 \
--header "content-type:application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${TAILER_API_JWT}" \
--data '{ "action": "get_last_status",
          "account": "000099",
          "environment": "DEV",
          "configuration_type": "storage-to-storage",
          "configuration_id": "000099-jarvis-demo-iowa-liquor-storage-to-storage"}' \

As a result, you get a json payload with information about the last runs of this configuration in the following format:

	"results": [
			"account": "000099",
			"configuration_id": "000099-jarvis-demo-iowa-liquor-storage-to-storage",
			"configuration_type": "storage-to-storage",
			"duration": "0:00:03.885654",
			"environment": "DEV",
			"job_id": "storage-to-storage|000099|000099-jarvis-demo-iowa-liquor-storage-to-storage|DEV|stores-{{FD_DATE}}-{{FD_TIME}}.csv",
			"run_id": "20201209-cf026ae9-c79c-4cf9-8ffb-0bb63ad39469",
			"start_execution_date": "2020-12-09T17:17:23+00:00",
			"status": "SUCCESS"
			"account": "000099",
			"configuration_id": "000099-jarvis-demo-iowa-liquor-storage-to-storage",
			"configuration_type": "storage-to-storage",
			"duration": "0:00:04.373931",
			"environment": "DEV",
			"job_id": "storage-to-storage|000099|000099-jarvis-demo-iowa-liquor-storage-to-storage|DEV|stores-{{FD_DATE}}-{{FD_TIME}}.csv",
			"run_id": "20201209-7b7b7a66-1cc0-4f09-a893-ce4a35adf09b",
			"start_execution_date": "2020-12-09T17:17:18+00:00",
			"status": "SUCCESS"
			"account": "000099",
			"configuration_id": "000099-jarvis-demo-iowa-liquor-storage-to-storage",
			"configuration_type": "storage-to-storage",
			"duration": "0:00:04.295537",
			"environment": "DEV",
			"job_id": "storage-to-storage|000099|000099-jarvis-demo-iowa-liquor-storage-to-storage|DEV|stores-{{FD_DATE}}-{{FD_TIME}}.csv",
			"run_id": "20201209-4d76a90a-b092-4c69-a87f-b0cd79305428",
			"start_execution_date": "2020-12-09T17:17:18+00:00",
			"status": "SUCCESS"

Example with a data operation (configuration) with specific parameters

TAILER_API_JWT=`tailer auth get-token | awk '/User token :/ {print $4}'` \
&& curl --request POST \
--http2 \
--header "content-type:application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${TAILER_API_JWT}" \
--data '{ "action": "get_last_status",
          "account": "000099",
          "environment": "DEV",
          "configuration_type": "storage-to-storage",
          "configuration_id": "000099-jarvis-demo-iowa-liquor-storage-to-storage",
          "execution_date": "2020-12-09",
          "status": "SUCCESS",
          "limit": 2}' \

As a result, you get a json payload with information about the last 2 runs ins success, with a start date the 2020/12/09 of this configuration in the following format:

	"results": [
			"account": "000099",
			"configuration_id": "000099-jarvis-demo-iowa-liquor-storage-to-storage",
			"configuration_type": "storage-to-storage",
			"duration": "0:00:03.885654",
			"environment": "DEV",
			"job_id": "storage-to-storage|000099|000099-jarvis-demo-iowa-liquor-storage-to-storage|DEV|stores-{{FD_DATE}}-{{FD_TIME}}.csv",
			"run_id": "20201209-cf026ae9-c79c-4cf9-8ffb-0bb63ad39469",
			"start_execution_date": "2020-12-09T17:17:23+00:00",
			"status": "SUCCESS"
			"account": "000099",
			"configuration_id": "000099-jarvis-demo-iowa-liquor-storage-to-storage",
			"configuration_type": "storage-to-storage",
			"duration": "0:00:04.373931",
			"environment": "DEV",
			"job_id": "storage-to-storage|000099|000099-jarvis-demo-iowa-liquor-storage-to-storage|DEV|stores-{{FD_DATE}}-{{FD_TIME}}.csv",
			"run_id": "20201209-7b7b7a66-1cc0-4f09-a893-ce4a35adf09b",
			"start_execution_date": "2020-12-09T17:17:18+00:00",
			"status": "SUCCESS"

0ī¸âƒŖ Resetting a workflow

The Tailer API allows you to reset a Workflow data operation. The reset feature deletes all the triggered jobs so the workflow can start from scratch, as when the it was just deployed. (This feature is also available in Tailer Studio.)

Example of a case requiring a workflow reset

We have three jobs, named JA, JB, and JC which trigger a job named JT when they are all successfully executed.

If a situation happens where JA and JB are OK, but JC is not, JT is not triggered. You fix and relaunch JC, which becomes OK, and JT is triggered. The next morning, you launch JC again to make sure it works: you get JA(0), JB(0) and JC(1). When JA and JB are automatically started a few hours later, JC is already considered as OK, which creates an unbalanced situation. A reset is necessary.

You need to provide the full identity of the Workflow data operation as input:

TAILER_API_JWT=`tailer auth get-token | awk '/User token :/ {print $4}'` \
&& curl --request POST \
--http2 \
--header "content-type:application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${TAILER_API_JWT}" \
--data '{ "action": "reset_workflow_status", 
          "account": "000099", 
          "environment": "DEV", 
          "configuration_type": "workflow",
          "configuration_id": "000099-iowa-liquor-load-pda"}' \

As a result, you get a response (OK, or KO) in the following format:


⏚ī¸ Disabling a data operation

You can disable a data operation (configuration) using the API. (This feature is also available in Tailer Studio.)

You need to provide the full identity of the data operation as input:

TAILER_API_JWT=`tailer auth get-token | awk '/User token :/ {print $4}'` \
&& curl --request POST \
--http2 \
--header "content-type:application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${TAILER_API_JWT}" \
--data '{ "action": "set_configuration_status",
          "activated" : false,
          "archived" : false,
          "account": "000099", 
          "environment": "DEV", 
          "configuration_type": "table-to-table",
          "configuration_id": "000099_Load_PDA_f_traffic_ma_DEV"}' \

As a result, you get a response (OK, or KO) in the following format:


â–ļī¸ Enabling a data operation

You can enable a data operation that had been disabled using the API. (This feature is also available in Tailer Studio.)

You need to provide the full identity of the data operation as input:

TAILER_API_JWT=`tailer auth get-token | awk '/User token :/ {print $4}'` \
&& curl --request POST \
--http2 \
--header "content-type:application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${TAILER_API_JWT}" \
--data '{ "action": "set_configuration_status",
          "activated" : true,
          "archived" : false,
          "account": "000099", 
          "environment": "DEV", 
          "configuration_type": "table-to-table",
          "configuration_id": "000099_Load_PDA_f_traffic_ma_DEV"}' \

As a result, you get a response (OK, or KO) in the following format:


â–ļī¸ Archive a data operation

You can archive a data operation using the API. (This feature is also available in Tailer Studio.)

You need to provide the full identity of the data operation as input:

TAILER_API_JWT=`tailer auth get-token | awk '/User token :/ {print $4}'` \
&& curl --request POST \
--http2 \
--header "content-type:application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${TAILER_API_JWT}" \
--data '{ "action": "set_configuration_status",
          "activated" : false,
          "archived" : true,
          "account": "000099", 
          "environment": "DEV", 
          "configuration_type": "table-to-table",
          "configuration_id": "000099_Load_PDA_f_traffic_ma_DEV"}' \

As a result, you get a response (OK, or KO) in the following format:


Last updated