Monitoring and alerting parameters

Learn how to add monitoring and alerting information to your data operation configurations.

The monitoring and alerting parameters are defined in a JSON object added at the root level of the JSON data operation configuration. It contains the following sections:

  • Monitoring parameters: General information about the criticality of the data operation.

  • Alerting parameters: One or several alert messages and channels, containing information about how to alert the right people throw which system or application.

Currently, you can only send on alert message, and only by email. But we are thinking about adding more alert systems like Pagerduty, Datadog, or throw a generic web-hook. Feel free to suggest to us your preferred alerting platform.


Here is an example in a TTT configuration file:

	"configuration_type": "table-to-table",
	"configuration_id": "000001_append_some_data",
	"short_description": "Append some data to a partitioned table",
	"account": "000099",
	"environment": "DEV",
	"activated": true,
	"archived": false,
	"start_date": "2023, 1, 23",
	"schedule_interval": "*/5 * * * *",
	"max_active_runs": 1,
	"task_concurrency": 3,
	"default_gcp_project_id": "my-project",
	"default_bq_dataset": "my_dataset",
	"default_write_disposition": "WRITE_TRUNCATE",
	"direct_execution": true,
	"task_dependencies": [
		"create_my_data_table >> merge_table_with_last_data"
	"workflow": [
			"task_type": "create_gbq_table",
			"id": "create_my_data_table",
			"short_description": "Create the destination table with partitioning on date and clustering",
			"bq_table": "my_data",
			"ddl_file": "my_data.json",
			"force_delete": false
			"task_type": "run_gbq_script",
			"id": "merge_table_with_last_data",
			"sql_file": "merge_table_with_last_data.sql"
  "monitoring": { 
    "impact": 2, 
    "urgency": 2, 
    "alert_enabled": true,
    "alert_status": ["FAILED","NO_MATCH"], 
    "alert_environment": ["PROD","DEV"],
    "alert_info": "Put here information about the alert", 
    "alert": { 
      "email" :  { 
          "email_from": "", 
          "email_to": "toto@tailer.ia;titi@tailer.ia", 
          "email_reply_to": "", 
          "email_subject": "Data Operation Alert : @configuration_id has just failed", 
          "email_body_type": "txt",
          "email_body": "Type : @configuration_type\nID : @configuration_id\nImpact : @impact\nEnvironnement : @environnement"

General parameters about the monitoring.

An alert will be able to trigger different types of messages. Currently, only an email alert can be sent.

For each alert message, parameters will differ depending on the message type.

An email alert will send an email with specific parameters each time the data operation fails in the specified environments.

By default, Tailer provides an email template with detailed information. Thus, you don't have to fill in all the parameters such as subject, body, etc. But you can also personalize all the parameters to set precisely how the alert email should look like. For that, you can use the alert variables described below.

Alert messages can be personalized with alert message variables. Those variables are contextualized during the data operation run.

Last updated